Important Update: The deadline for all submissions (abstracts & forum proposals) has been extended to 12 April!
We are very pleased to invite you to participate in the next ISES Solar World Congress 2021, which will take place virtually from October 25 to 29, 2021.
There are several ways to participate in SWC 2021:
Call for Abstracts
Abstracts are invited on the 13 congress themes and their respecitve topics as well as for ISREE-14, the 14th International Symposium on Renewable Energy Education.
At SWC 2021, your work can either be presented via a poster or an oral presentation. During the abstract submission process, you will be given the option to specify your preference for one of these formats. The final decision on acceptance of the abstract and the on the presentation format will be communicated to you after the review of all abstracts is complete.
If your abstract is selected for an oral presentation, you will be required to submit a pre-recorded video of your presentation no later than one a few weeks in advance of the Congress to allow the other registrants to preview it. During the Congress you will be requested to join a live session to provide a brief overview of your work and respond to Q&A. Your video presentation as well as the recording of the Q&A will remain online after the congress.
If your abstract is selected for a poster presentation, you will be provided a digital poster wall in the poster area of the Congress where you can upload a PDF version of your poster, your personal info and, at your option, a short video presentation of your poster. The congress attendees will be able to view your poster during dedicated poster sessions or at any time throughout the congress days. The attendees can reach out to you for discussion via the chat and you may organize a live discussion with several attendees, i.e. via a dedicated Zoom room.
To learn more and to submit your abstracts, please visit our Abstract Submission page.
Deadline for all abstract submissions is 12 April 2021.

Call for Forum Proposals
The congress organizers also invite proposals for forums to be held at SWC 2021. A congress forum is a 90-minute moderated session that provides diverse points of views and stimulates audience discussion on a specific topic that is either within a Congress Theme, across several Themes, or on renewable energy topics not directly covered by the Congress Themes.
To learn more and to submit your proposal, please visit the congress forums page here.
Deadline for all forum proposals is 12 April 2021.
Call for Participation: 14th International Symposium on Renewable Energy Education - ISREE-14
ISREE-14 will take place in conjunction with SWC 2021 and represents the educational track for the Congress. ISREE-14 explores the latest developments and new initiatives in renewable energy education worldwide and discusses best ways to educate the general public on pathways toward a more sustainable, environmentally-friendly and just world. ISREE-14 encourages schools, universities, research centers, and training groups to collaborate in educating and training both in technical and in related interpersonal, soft skills necessary for creating a strong renewable energy workforce.
Deadline for all abstracts and forum proposals for ISREE-14 is 12 April 2021.